
Marin Trust Chain of Custody Certification, ensures that seafood products are sourced sustainably and responsibly. It verifies the traceability of seafood from the ocean to the consumer. With this certification, Kristal Group ensures transparency, promotes environmental stewardship and social responsibility, allowing consumers to make informed purchase decisions.

ISO 9001:2015 is an international standard for quality management systems (QMS). It provides a framework for organizations to ensure they meet customer requirements consistently and improve customer satisfaction. The standard emphasizes a process-based approach, risk-based thinking, and continual improvement. ISO 9001:2015 helps organizations enhance efficiency, reduce errors, and demonstrate their commitment to quality to customers and stakeholders.

A quality policy is a statement that outlines an organization’s commitment to delivering high-quality products or services while meeting customer needs and complying with regulations.


Office - Los Almendros 221 Res. Monterrico La Molina.   |    Telf: +51 619 7800